What are common relationship red flags?

No one wants to end up in an unhealthy relationship, but sometimes it can be hard to tell whether your relationship is healthy or not. But, there are certain red flags worth paying attention to.

The Caraway Care Team

November 8, 2022

No one wants to end up in an unhealthy relationship, but sometimes it can be hard to tell whether your relationship is healthy or not. Here are some red flags worth paying attention to: 

Controlling Behavior
If your partner is trying to control who you are hanging out with or what you are doing, this is a major red flag.

Extreme Jealousy
Everyone can get jealous occasionally, but consistent and excessive displays of jealousy like guilting you for speaking to someone or spending time with family and friends are not healthy.

Love Bombing 
Acts like excessive compliments, gifts or constant communication at the start of a relationship may seem romantic, but these overwhelming displays of affection can end soon after, and leave you feeling confused, not good enough or heartbroken. 

Frequent lying, whether the lies are big or small, can mean someone is trying to hide something, or can turn into a manipulation tactic to make you feel or behave a certain way. Either way, lies undermine the foundation of trust a relationship needs to be healthy. 

Some of these signs are immediately obvious, and others may take longer to notice, especially with manipulative partners. If you do find yourself in an unhealthy relationship, connect with the Caraway Care Team.

Reviewed by Sara Levine, MD, MPH, FAAP, Medical Director of Adolescent Medicine and Marissa Branson, LCSW, Mental Health Therapist

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