Get Therapy Anytime, Anywhere.

Talk to a therapist today and start your journey toward better mental health for only $45/month.

It shouldn’t take months to get a therapy appointment, and it shouldn’t drain your bank account, either. A Caraway membership includes access to mental health services like therapy and coaching all through the Caraway app.

Let's Get Started

Caraway is currently available in CA, CO, CT, IL, MA, MI, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, WA, and the District of Columbia, with more states coming soon.

Have you ever…

Wondered how hormones impact your stress level?
Been worried you’re falling behind your friends?
Felt helpless to break bad habits (like vaping or doom scrolling)?

At Caraway, we know the mind and body are connected, and you can't take care of one without the other. That's why we not only provide mental health care—we can take care of your physical and reproductive health needs too, all in the same conversation.

Our Care Team is available anytime, day or night, and provides care via chat, as well as on-demand or scheduled phone and video visits. And our clinicians are in constant communication with one another, too—this way, we can ensure we’re treating the whole person, mind and body.

Get a therapist who gets you

Our Care Team knows it’s not all in your head. Whether you’re feeling stuck in the aftermath of COVID, worried about how social media is affecting your mental health, or just trying to figure out if it’s anxiety or a hangover, we can help.

Our Care Team of doctors, therapists, psychologists, and coaches is always available (really, always) and ready to help. We can help you get on track or stay on track, all in one place.

Start a chat

Caraway is expanding our available states and services! Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest.


What mental health services does Caraway provide?

What makes Caraway different?

How does Caraway provide care?

What can I do via telehealth?

Referrals, Care, Coordination, & Insurance Navigation

What members are saying

Our services are designed to meet the needs of a dynamic generation, and our care model reflects that. Here’s what members are saying about their Caraway experience.

I didn’t prioritize going to therapy in the past because it always seemed too expensive and inaccessible, but Caraway has made it so easy. I’ve been meeting with a therapist weekly through Caraway, and I’m already noticing a huge difference in my mental health.

Age 19

I don’t necessarily want to be messaging my mom at 2 AM when I feel a cold coming on. Caraway is like having a little doctor in your pocket. You can just open the app and speak to them—this is exactly the solution that we need.

Age 22

I used Caraway for a skin-related issue, and not only were the providers very quick to respond, but their treatment also exceeded my expectations. They answered my questions and helped me fix the problem, and also gave me advice that helped me avoid similar issues in the future

Age 25

Isabel's Caraway Journey

At Caraway, we see mental health and physical health as inseparable

Isabel opens the Caraway app and messages the Care Team

Isabel exchanges messages with a member of the Care team at Caraway, who sets up a video chat with her

Isabel’s call is scheduled for the next day and the Care Team recommends a few exercises for her to try in the meantime

Isabel and her Caraway therapist meet and discuss what she’s been feeling

After their call, Isabel’s therapist recommends more specific exercises for her situation.

In between sessions, Isabel’s therapist checks in on her progress as their next meeting approaches.

Isabel opens the Caraway app and messages the Care Team

Isabel exchanges messages with a member of the Care team at Caraway, who sets up a video chat with her

Isabel’s call is scheduled for the next day and the Care Team recommends a few exercises for her to try in the meantime

Isabel and her Caraway therapist meet and discuss what she’s been feeling

After their call, Isabel’s therapist recommends more specific exercises for her situation.

In between sessions, Isabel’s therapist checks in on her progress as their next meeting approaches.

The care you need, when you need it

Caraway is here to address your in-the-moment healthcare needs and help you build healthy habits. From waking up sick at 1 AM to learning how to navigate the insurance system and building strong mental health practices, we’re here for it all. Register today and take your healthcare into your own hands.

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